Monday, June 20, 2011

It's the little things...

          Like getting new journals & spending time with 2 of your favorite people...

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Ever care about what others think of you?

Well, it has been a definite struggle of mine... and it is a form of bondage.  It can overtake your actions, thoughts, and interfere with your ability to live freely in the Lord's love and mercy.  I know many others (myself included) have a hard time admitting that they deal with this struggle - but it is more common than you think.  Living day-to-day with a "people pleasing" attitude is tiring, and unfulfilling.  

One verse that struck a chord in me comes from Galatians 1:10: 
"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Wow. This is serious stuff.  The fear of man is a form of idolatry.  

I do not have any elaborate answer to on how to overcome this people pleasing mindset but there is a Hope we have to cling to and a God who is powerful enough to transform any heart or mind.  Lay this at His feet.  Let Him free you from bondage. 

Quote from John Piper's Desiring God Blog
" Don’t care much about whether your family and friends and acquaintances and enemies know what you are really like.  Be true, be real, be humble, and let the Lord settle the matter in the end."

                                     Live in freedom.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Home Sweet Lakeland

Well... it has almost been a solid month since I returned home to wonderful Lakeland, Florida and I have to say I'm THRILLED to spend the next two months here.  Life has been busy.  I started my internship with the Lakeland Economic Development Council (LEDC) just days after I finished finals. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to co-lead the Summer Leadership Program (SLP) (of 51 participants ages 20-30) with one of my good friends, Savannah. 
    Every Thursday for eight weeks we will be traveling to different businesses &  “staple” areas of Lakeland while hearing from some of our cities top leaders and experienced professionals.  After working for the LEDC for a short four weeks I have learned many facts about my hometown that I was never aware of.  My love and appreciation for this city and what it has to offer has grown tremendously. 

         I want to share a few photos of my favorite spots here in goes: 

Lakeland is home to Publix Super Markets & yes this water tower exists

Munn Park - downtown
Hollis Gardens 

Harry's Seafood & Grille - a little taste of N'awlins style food - downtown
Lake Mirror - downtown
Locally owned- Mitchell's Coffeehouse - downtown
As you can tell downtown is filled with some of my all time favorite places in Lakeland.  It offers a personable, "small town" feel... as Lakeland is known for being "the biggest, small town."  This city is thriving. After a busy and fun-filled four weeks with SLP - I am excited to see what is in store for the rest of my summer here...

* LEDC is the founder of "YLakeland" - which is where SLP originated from...take a look at the site/blog to keep up with our program's summer adventures : Click for YLakeland site

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Grateful for hardships?

This past week the state of Alabama was hit hard with devastating tornadoes.  There has been a great deal of unimaginable devastation and loss.  My heart aches for those affected by this storm and I am beyond grateful that my particular area was not hit.

As I watch so many experience tremendous tribulations...I got to thinking: how would I react if I lost absolutely everything? And then I started reflecting back on the smaller hardships in my life and how I tend to react.  Let’s just attitude can get pretty ugly, pretty quickly.

Over the past few months my mom has challenged me to write out seven things that I am grateful for on a daily basis.  It took a good amount of time but then I realized...not only do I need to be thankful for the joyful moments of my life, I need to thank The Lord for the hardships.  It is during those times that I am driven to my knees in absolute need of Him.  

I recently read in Jesus Calling, "Living in dependence on Me is the way to enjoy abundant life. You are learning to appreciate tough times, because they amplify your awareness of My presence..."

 We are in desperate, desperate need of the Lord’s mercy & assistance. We are human. We are weak. We are incapable of relying on our own selves. So remember- when your next hardship or time of suffering arises, be thankful - this will change your heart & attitude. We have a God who is far bigger than any of our momentary troubles - keep in mind that it is a blessing when we realize our need for Him.

                                          Romans 8:18 
                  "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth
                      comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."

Monday, April 25, 2011

Home again, home again

This weekend at home filled my heart up to the brim.  I can honestly say there's nothing I love more than spending some quality time with my family. Thought I'd share some pictures. Happy Late Easter! 

Obsessed with any & all sports.
Love this little guy more than words. Those of you who have nieces/nephews understand.

One of my favorite views - from the back porch.

ALL boy.

The sweetest boy in the entire world.

Love spending time with my brother - doesn't happen often enough!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The beginning of this journey...

Well, I'm going to start off by being honest with y'all.  I signed up for this blog in May 2010.  As you can tell, I never got around to really starting it.  Here I am today and I never thought this day would actually come.  Me? Writing on my blog?  Crazy, I know.  Like I stated in my "about me" I get a thrill from reading others' blogs - so I decided to go ahead and join the bloggers...  

I've been sitting here contemplating what to write and I thought I would begin by sharing a quote that has been on my heart this past month.  It comes from the ever-so-wonderful Beth Moore.  My mother sent it to me a few months ago and I recently printed it out and tacked it onto my wall.  

It reads: 
"Your God has called you to use that mouth of yours
For His great glory...don't just add to the noise
Become a real woman...who opens her mouth with wisdom
God wants the Law of Kindness on your tongue and the Love of Christ in your heart
Never forget:
Kindness is not a weakness
When you're wearing down...head to Christ & His people & let them build you back up
Always remember:
His yoke is KIND
Make's the only yoke you wear
Let the One who led you here lead you on with cord of kindness
Now, get out there and build a welcoming fire 
In a cold world, live by the Law of Kindness"

How powerful is that?  I don't know about y'all (especially us women) but this isn't always easy. We live in a cold & broken can we love & be kind to everyone? I'm preaching to myself when I say this but we are called to love like this - no matter what the circumstance.  It can be so easy to get caught up in negative thoughts towards others but, that is what the enemy is scheming towards and we have to flee from it and stand firm. So...I'm challenging myself and y'all to live by the Law of Kindness  this week. Ready - go!